Meet Luis Garza: Founder in the early education and care space, 3x entrepreneur through Kinedu App, Aldea App, and Advenio Childcare Centers.
Super Mom: If you could choose one superpower to improve mothers' experiences, what would it be?
Be able to transmit a sense of being at ease - mothers have what it takes, but sometimes stress takes the best of them.
Magic Wand: With a magic wand, what’s the one major challenge in maternal care you’d solve?
Time to play. Mothers have to balance everything, and unfortunately, play is sometimes relegated to a reduced time. I'd create more time in a day for parents to play with their kids.
Boss Mom: What traits or habits do mothers have that would make them great CEOs?
Moms are natural-born leaders, administrators, motivators. They can balance a dozen tasks at a time, and at the same time keep things running smoothly. They can manage stressful periods and show up with the right attitude to face every challenge.
Quote Me: Favorite quote
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
It's a simple but profound reminder that we do not control almost anything around us, but we have enough agency to act to make the best of our time here.